Playlists to get you in the zone

Beeps, boops, beats, and bass

Mark Johnson
From the Residents


Do you need 36 minutes worth of tunes set to a bunch of gifs? I’ve got you covered.

A coworkers sent me a link to this sweet little Buffer article sharing a few playlist they made for switching contexts over there. I’ve spent way too much time making Spotify playlists for exactly this. Way too many. I figured I might as well share a few of my go-tos.

Good Morning

You just woke up, and don’t know if you’re still dreaming, or this is real life, but you need some tunes while you walk down the street to get coffee into your body.

Zone Out and Work

You don’t want to hear anyone talk about anything. You’re writing something or reading stuff. If you hear words, you’ll be very upset.

Wood Panel

You’re working on something intense and need a lot of synth and bass with a bunch of beeps and boops. This tends to be great for writing code or designing stuff.


You need a solid beat, and some good tunes. You’re in the zone, and want to stay upbeat and motivated.

Slow and Creepy

You just finished lunch and you’re thinking, “Why do I feel like I did when I just woke up? I need something slow and weird to match my pace.”


Sometimes you just need someone else to put a bunch of solid tracks in together for you so you can hit play and get in the zone.

Hope some of these are helpful for you and your days.

❤ MJ

